PhD student for a 3-year research assistant position

Anzeigen-Nr. 227635, veröffentlicht am 24.02.2025
Kategorie: Abschlussarbeit

University of Bonn, Institute for Microbiology and Biotechnology

Branche : Wissenschaft & Forschung
University of Bonn, Institute for Microbiology and Biotechnology Stellenanzeige

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit
3 Jahre
Juni (Oktober auch möglich)
65% TV-L EG 13
Naturwissenschaften, Ingenieurwesen, Forschung & Entwicklung, Agrar-/Biowissenschaften
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The Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn is an international research university with a broad range of subjects. With 200 years of history, some 3 1 , 5 00 students, over 6,000 employees and an excellent reputation at home and abroad, the University of Bonn is one of the most important universities in Germany and has been recognised as a University of Excellence. For the DFG - Exploring Trans it Peptides through Photosynthetic Restoration in Chlamydomo- nas Oliver Caspari Institute for Microbiology and Biotechnology is recruiting a PhD student for a 3 - year research assistant position ( 65%, ideal starting point in May/June 202 5 ). In our group, we are interested in the role of protein import for establishment and maintenance of endosymbi- otic organelles , which are fundamental to the biology of complex life. In this project, we specifically aim to eluci- date how different transit peptides determine chloroplast protein import in the model green alga Chlamydo- monas reinhardtii by using peptide variants to complement a photosynthetic mutation. Your tasks: Identifying and reviewing relevant scientific literature Designing and performin g wet - lab experiments Storing, analysing and visualizing data using coding (e.g. R, python) Presenting findings internally in lab meetings and externally at conferences Preparing research publications in peer - reviewed journals and as doctoral thesis Supervising Bachelor/Master students Your profile: You combine high intrinsic motivation and ambition with high work ethics You have strong analytical and reasoning skills and are scientifically literate You take ownership of your research, managing your own time and resources as well as those of any students you supervise, and seek out support as needed To overcome set - backs, you problem - solve and show emotional resilience You are able to work well both independently and cooperatively /in a team You engage empathically and communicate effectively with coworkers/students You are keen to learn new skills, complemented by relevant prior experience in ar- eas such as Molecular Biology (PCR, cloning), Biochemistry (Western Blots), Cell Bi- ology (fluorescence microscopy), Microbiology (microbial handling, transfor- mation), Plant Sciences (photosynthesis, chloroplast biogenesis, algae), data analy- sis/computational biology (coding, sequence analysis, modelling) You hold relevant Bachelor and Master degrees from reputable institutions You are proficient in English We offer: The chance to do your PhD in a young and dynamic group that you can help grow, that will mentor you and that will be invested in your academic success A supportive , collegial and inte rnational atmosphere in the team and the institute A world - class research environment Possibilities to cooperate with other research groups locally and internationally Uni Bonn perks , e.g. sports clubs, career workshops, day care, subsidized transport High quality of life in Bonn with easy access to nature, culture and Cologne A varied, challenging job with one of the largest employers in the region An international, stimulating, well - equipped working environment with an open and constructive atmosphere and the necessary infrastructure for high - quality re- search participation in a university - wide pension system (VBL), access to the extensive university sports program, easy access to the public transport system due to the central location in Bonn as well as the possibility to use inexpensive parking facilities, Remuneration in accordance with TV - L pay grade 13 . T he University of Bonn is committed to diversity and equal opportunities. It is certified as a family - friendly uni- versity. Its aim is to increase the proportion of women in areas in which women are underrepresented and to promote their careers in particular. It therefore strongly encourages applications from suitably qualified women. Applications will be treated in accordance with the State Equal Opportunities Act. Applications from suitable people with proven severe disabilities and persons of equal status are particularly welcome. If you are interested in this position, please send a cover letter in which you explain your motivation as well as how your research and other relevant experiences demonstrate your suitability to the role; a CV naming two referees (incl. email & phone); and your official academic transcripts in a single PDF to caspari@uni - by 14 .0 3 .2025 , quoting reference 3 . 3/2025/09 For further information, please contact Dr. Caspari via email or by phone (+49 228 73 8261).